Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

PE and Sport

PE and Sport at Red Hall

“Sport teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose – it teaches you about life.” ~ Billie Jean King

What is the intent of our PE and Sport curriculum?

At Red Hall Primary school, we strive to develop a high-quality physical education curriculum that inspires all pupils to participate in regular physical activity to support their health and wellbeing. We aim to develop our children’s confidence in 3 key aspects of physical education:motor competence (their knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport- and physical activity-specific) rules, strategies and tactics (their knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities) healthy participation (knowledge of safe and effective participation). We strive to offer as many opportunities as possible by offering children a broadened curriculum. All of our children have access to sports such as basketball, football, tennis and so on, along with boccia, bell boating, table top games, circuits, aqua splash and many others. Offering such a broad curriculum is what makes us special. Through designing the curriculum like this, no child is left behind; all children have the opportunity to find a sport which they enjoy and feel they are good at.

How do we implement our PE and Sportcurriculum?

In order for our pupils to improve their skills across the three aspects of PE, so they are highly competent and able to reach the aims of the National Curriculum, we spend 2 hours a week with specific PE focus’, ensuring the children of Red Hall have adepth and security of understand which can be seen throughout our curriculum. PE and Sport lessons in Red Hall are designed to allow pupils to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. This allows children to have a stronger declarative (knowing what) and procedural knowledge (knowing how). Firstly, they reflect on prior learning. Then they prepare for learning with a warm up, during this, children discuss the importance of warming up before exercise discussing staying safe in sport. This is followed by an introduction of new information. Children then have the opporunity to pratcice the focussed skill to improve and progress. Finally, they get to showcase their abilities in the skills they have just learnt.

What is the impact of our PE and Sport curriculum?

At Red Hall Primary School – one of the only platinum schools in Darlington – our main impact of our PE lessons, is that every child has the opportunity to develop the physical confidence and competence to enjoy being physically active and healthy. This has allowed us to be the voice of Darlington Primary Schools, for PE and School Sport, as we were asked in 2018 to be the Darlington Representatives for the Tees Valley Primary Headteacher’s Alliance. We strongly believe – as a Red Hall community (governors, staff, children and parents) that our curriculum allows our children to develop physically and emotionally and have the choice to decide which activities they would like to continue participating in during later years. We hope this will lead to a life-long passion of being physically active.

What experiences will the children receive in PE and Sport?

Children are able to investigate and explore sports from around the world, and have the opportunity to experience these in lessons and where possible, in a competitive state. All children will be encouraged to be active for 60 minutes a day. Whenever possible, children will be taught by specialist coaches which currently includes swimming sessions for specific year groups. Children will be signposted to clubs outside of school, with leaflets, information and contact details being shared with children and parents through social media and newsletters. Money from the PE and Sports Premium funding is allocated on a yearly basis to give children opportunities to experience sports and sporting festivals they would not have otherwise had the opportunity to experience. Regional and national sports people will come to speak to the children, when possible (academic year 2021-22, we had a British Gymnast and a GB Kettlebell champion come to speak to the children and explain their sporting abilities and qualities).

By the end of their time at Red Hall, what will all our children have taken from PE and Sport?

By the end of their time at Red Hall, children will have been taught a range of PE and Sporting Skills, linked to a range of different sports. They will have an understanding of the rules of different sports and most importantly what it takes to be a good sportsperson. As their time at Red Hall progresses, they will become more determined to be active and progress their understanding of PE and Sport as they continue their education. Children will recognise how they contribute to a team and will have knowledge of officiating/umpiring different sports, as well as leading teams – should they been seen as a role model.

Key Information for Parents & Carers:

Key Websites:

Please see the Active Schools page for the PE vision.