“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go” – Dr Seuss
Welcome to Year 5
In Year 5, our class teacher is Mrs Brown and our teaching assistant is Miss Dickinson. In Class 5, we know that it is OK to make mistakes, as this is how we learn and find out new things. Our teachers believe in each and everyone of us and are always encouraging us to be the best that we can be!
We are so excited to learn some exciting new topics this year and look forward to sharing many more fantastic experiences as we grow together.
If you have any queries about your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will support you in the best way we can.
Theme News
We started our new theme, ‘What makes leaders great?’ by making crowns, discussing what a monarch is and deciding what we would do if we were King or Queen for the day. The children then thought about which monarchs they would like to learn more about. Check back later to see who we have learnt about…

Key Dates
- PE Days – Tuesday and Thursday (Swimming)
- Reading Record Checks – Monday, Wednesday and Friday