Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Governing Structure – Link Roles 2023/24

GovernorTypeStart of Term of OfficeEnd of Term of Office
Julie Davidson HeadteacherN/AN/A
Sarah SmallChair29/11/201828/11/2026
Andrew BucktonVice Chair14/12/202113/12/2025
Governing Body
GovernorTypeStart of Term of OfficeEnd of Term of Office
Julie DavidsonEx OfficioN/AN/A
Mandy PorterLA Governor29/1/202428/1/2028
Mandy DentonStaff24/11/202023/11/2024
Sharon MennellCo-opted23/03/202222/03/2026
Joanne DavisonCo-opted17/10/202216/10/2026
Jenny GreggCo-opted17/10/202216/10/2026
Heather McCallumParent Governor13/12/202312/12/2027
VacancyParent Governor
GovernorsLinked to School Improvement Plan
Priority 1To increase staff morale with a focus on wellbeing and reduction of workload.
To evaluate our options and make the best long term decision for the future of Red Hall Primary School becoming part of a Multi Academy Trust.
Sarah Small / Andrew Buckton
Priority 2Subject leaders to plan for the provision of a wide range of opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch pupil’s talents and interest (visits/visitors/fieldwork) which enhance their current curriculums and give our children access to a rich set of experiences beyond Red Hall.Joanne Davison
Priority 3To further develop all staff’s understanding about how to move learning from short term to long term memory so that the children at Red Hall know more and remember more.
To ensure there is a consistent and embedded approach to the teaching of Reading, Writing and Maths which is improving outcomes for our children. 
Jenny Gregg / Mandy Porter
Priority 4To continue to develop the communication and language provision across the curriculum within Early YearsSharon Mennell
Heather McCallum (shadowing)
Additional Link Governor Roles
SEN and StriveSharon Mennell
Safeguarding – Health and Safety and OPALSarah Small
Pupil PremiumAndrew Buckton
Mental Health and WellbeingHeather McCallum
ECT Joanne Davison
Headteacher Performance ManagementSarah Small/Andrew Buckton

Deborah Barrigan


Mark Houston
Mark Jolley
Debz Foster
Kaye Jagodzinski
Gareth McManus

