Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

Believe and Achieve


You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have. Maya Angelou


In Nursery our teacher is Miss Egglestone and our teaching assistants are Miss Gamble and Mrs Burgess. We are working together to create a classroom of independent and curious children, who have a natural wonder about the world.

Theme News

  • This half term our whole school theme is ‘A Moment In Time’.
  • We are spending time settling our new children into their new classroom. We will be allowing the children to spend time with each other and the staff members so we can all get to know one another.
  • We will be assessing which adult each child has the biggest connection with, this adult will then become the child’s key worker.
  • We will be finding out what the children’s biggest interests are and incorporating this into the classroom.
  • We will be sending out a date for our ‘Welcome Fest’ as this half terms stay and play session.
  • We are starting The Curiosity Approach. Keep your eyes peeled for more information about this :).

Key Dates

  • November- Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying Week.
  • November- Come to your pjs for our hook lesson, bring your favourite bedtime story if you want to 🙂
  • November- Trip to the theatre
  • December- Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner Day
  • December- Christmas Late Night
  • December- Christmas Performance
  • December- Christmas Fayre
  • December- Christmas Party Day
  • Dates to be confirmed