“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” ~ Malcolm X
In Year 6, our teacher is Miss Rafferty and our wonderful teaching assistant is Miss Hayman. We love to work as a team in Year 6, as this helps to ensure children’s learning in cemented and that they can pass their own knowledge onto those around them. We understand that it is ok not to ‘know it all’ and that making mistakes help us to learn and deepen our understanding.
Theme News
A Moment In Time
Our key question this half term is:
Was it important that a woman was at the centre of changes that happened?
We have already started to look at the Victorian time and think about questions that we would like to find the answers to during this term. We have thought of some amazing questions such as, “what did people wear?”, “what did they eat?”, “what did they have for entertainment” and “how much did they get paid?”.
Our first class novel is Street Child which the children are really enjoying. They always want Miss Rafferty to read another chapter!
We also had a fantastic visit from Ms Akers the Victorian teacher. She really scared some of us and we definitely wouldn’t have liked being a child in Victorian times. Miss Rafferty was even sent to the dunce corner which the children thought was hilarious!
We are very excited to see where the learning takes us and what we can find out about the Victorians.

Key Dates
- Wednesday 11th September 2024 – Intra-School competition – Please wear PE kit.
- Provisional date – Wednesday 25th September – Year 6 parents SATs meeting. More information to be given out soon.
- Tuesday and Thursday PE kit
- Friday Swimming kit