Eat Better, Do Better!
Our Catering Staff prepare meals on the premises for children having school dinners. The school offers a choice of 3 healthy, nutritious meals. The menu is changed termly, and your child will pre-order their meals in advance. We are a Healthy School and promote healthy eating. School meals are excellent value for money and your child will receive a healthy, nutritionally meal.
Dinner Money
Parents can pay for their child’s dinner money via the parentmail app, found in payments>shop. Parents will be notified in advance of any increase in charges. Cheques for dinner money should be made payable to Darlington Borough Council.
The present cost of a school meal is £2.40 per day – £12 per week. Parents need to understand that any debt in relation to school meals needs to be paid. We only allow 4 weeks of unpaid dinner money before requesting that your child brings a packed lunch until the debt is cleared.
Free School Meals
If you think you think you may be eligible free school meals, an application form is available from the school office. Parents/carers that would like their child to have a packed lunch from home, are asked to provide a healthy meal in a clearly named lunch box. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not allowed. All rubbish must be taken home in the lunch box. If parents wish to change from school meals to packed lunch, we require 2 weeks written notice.
**From September 2014, all infant children in classes Reception to Y2 are entitled to receive a free meal, under the universal free school meal scheme; therefore, these pupils are not allowed to bring in packed lunches from home.
Teachers are not on duty at lunchtimes. It is essential that children accept and respect the authority of our Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants. Children who persistently misbehave at lunch times may need to have alternative arrangements made for their supervision during this time – this could mean spending lunchtime at home.
School Dinner Menu Choices
Healthy Tuck Shop
Children in KS2 have access to a Healthy Tuck Shop during morning break. They are able to buy healthy snacks for 50p per item. Children in Foundation and KS1 receive a piece of fruit every day through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.