Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

Believe and Achieve

Key Stage 2 Information

What to expect when my child is in KS2

Every day the children will have Reading, Writing and Maths lessons on a morning. Those children who still need to consolidate their Phonics knowledge will have a Phonic session each morning. On an afternoon, the children will, throughout the course of the half-term, receive lessons on the Wider Curriculum including: Science, PSHE, RE, Art, DT, Computing, Music, Geography, History, French and PE. Where possible, lessons will be cross-curricular, and at Red Hall, we aim to deliver a curriculum which based on the interests of the children. 

Challenge Areas

In Years 3-6 we have Challenge Areas for the children to access in each classroom and in each intervention space. The aims of Challenge Areas are to: enable children to continue to develop their learning from teacher-led tasks, develop indepdence and resilience, as well as challenge themselves to secure a deeper understanding of knowledge and skills taught. Area are carefully planned by the teaching staff, and a regularly adapted depending on the needs and interests of the children.

KS2 Standards and Assessments

Year 4: In June, Year 4 pupils will be required to take the statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC). The check is to test if children can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is important for fully accessing many areas of the Mathematics curriculum throughout Key Stage 2, and beyond.

If you do have any questions, you can contact Miss Henry (Maths Lead) or Mr Thompson (Y4 Class Teacher) at any time via the school office.

Year 6: In Year 6, children sit their SATs tests. This academic year, the tests will begin on Monday 12th May 2025, with the final test being Thursday 15th May 2024. The tests are as followed:

  • Spelling 
  • Grammar (45 minutes)
  • Reading (1 hour)
  • Maths: Arithmetic – Paper 1 (30 minutes)
  • Maths: Reasoning – Paper 2 and Paper 2 (40 minutes)

Throughout the year, the Year 6 team will invite you into school to work with your children, offer support of how you can best help your child at home, and keep you updated with any information regarding the tests. 

If you do have any queries at all, please contact Miss Rafferty (Y6 Class Teacher) via the school office.


In Years 3-6 the children are allowed to eat their lunch anytime between 12 and 1pm. Those children who have packed lunches are welcome to eat their lunch outside, providing they put their rubbish in the bin. 

We have Wheels Days, as part of our OPAL lunchtimes. The following classes can bring rollerblades, scooters or skateboards into school on each of the days stated:

  • KS2 – Thursday

Home Learning

Homework has been reviewed!! Please see below the expectations for your child’s homework:

  • Your child will read at least 3 times a week to an adult at home. Reading to or with your child is invaluable and will help them so much with their progress in reading. Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it’s still important for you to read aloud together.
  • Your child will access TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) regularly at home. We cannot stress how important knowing your times table facts is! If your child is fluent in this recall, they will be able to access a range of mathematical concepts much easier in school. There is now a Multiplication Check in Year 4, as the expectation is that all children know their multiplication facts to 12×12. Please support us in this and encourage your child to take some time over the weekend accessing this fantastic, fun resource!
  • Spellings will be sent home weekly. Developing your child’s spelling skills will improve confidence in writing.

Important Things To Remember

PE days for the full school are Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit. This must be a white t-shirt and red or black shorts. If your child will be having PE lessons outside, they may wear tracksuit bottoms however indoors, they are required to wear shorts. Earrings MUST be removed and hair tied back for safety purposes.














Swimming KitPE KIT

Swimming Kit