Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Modern Foreign Languages

At Red Hall we aim to provide our pupils with a rich and deep learning experience, which prepares them to respect diversity and individuality. Learning another language provides children with an understanding of differing cultures to their own, and enables them to develop the skills to communicate and gain ideas and experiences from a variety of people, communities and cultures. At Red Hall, we teach the language French. Our main secondary feeder school requires children to have some understanding of any language therefore we are preparing children for KS3. Our MFL curriculum is age appropriate and there are many opportunities to make links to the wider curriculum, including core and foundation subjects.

How do we teach MFL at Red Hall?

We deliver MFL lessons which are memorable and full of fun, using a range of resources to develop the children’s understanding of French as a foreign language, which in turn, aims to develop their interest in the culture of other nations and communities.   There has been an amendment of our MFL curriculum in March 2020. The expectation in KS1, is that children become familiar with key vocabulary for 7 different topics, so that in KS2, they have basic knowledge of these words and progress can be made at a more rapid pace. A new curriculum overview has been devised for French, outlining clear objectives for each year group. Evidence will be gathered through work in books as well as oral conversations the children have with peers and their teacher. We deliver French, using a scheme devised in North Tyneside: Complete Course for Primary French, as well as resources from Language Angels. We have an overview of key topics and vocabulary which must be taught each term, from Y2-6. In KS1, children will learn basic language for topics, which will be developed further as they progress through KS2. There are a wide range of resources available for teaching staff to access in order to assist in the delivery of MFL lessons, using a range of visual, audio and kinaesthetic activities to promote good progress from all pupils in this area of the curriculum. Opportunities are given regularly for children to apply their knowledge and vocabulary they have been learning through songs, puzzles and short bursts of writing.

There is a clear expectation of what should be taught within each year group, and the content is non-negotiable. Specific vocabulary is highlighted within our Scheme of Work, and should be assessed by the teacher at the beginning of each academic year in order to assess current understanding of some topics ahead, prior to teaching. Formative assessment is a key form of assessing progress within our teaching of MFL. Mini-plenaries as well as speaking and listening tasks will allow staff to track progress and understanding within lessons, informing the planning for the next session. Learning should not be moved on until children are secure in key vocabulary, as the acquisition of the key vocabulary and developing speaking and listening skills are the main focus’ of children’s learning throughout these topics.   Each term, monitoring by the subject leader will be carried out. Monitoring will include one learning walk, child’s voice and two ‘book looks’, to ensure that the amendment to the delivery of MFL is impacting on pupil progress.

Click here to download the Curriculum Overview.