Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Design and Technology

Design and Technology at Red Hall

Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works. ~ Steve Jobs

What is the intent of our DT curriculum?

Our aim is to provide our pupils with inspiring and practical learning experiences as well as to provide opportunities to spark curiosity. We view DT as opportunities for pupils to be as creative and as imaginative as possible – the sky is the limit! We believe that DT is an essential part of children’s education, and like Sark we believe “Invention is the natural outcome of creative thinking”. Our scheme of work, developed from the National Curriculum, includes structures, mechanisms, electrical systems as well as cooking and nutrition. Our lessons are incorporated across the curriculum, making learning practical, creative and accessible by all pupils.

How do we implement our DT curriculum?

DT is taught once every term and by the end of each key stage, children will have covered a range of topics including: Structures, Textiles, Mechanisms, Food, and in KS2 Electrical Systems. As there are a lot of skills to teach which means sometimes the topics are alternated in each year group. Each term there is a DT focus in every class. When focusing on skills required, the children will learn different techniques to build up to a final project at the end of the term. The children will learn about significant individuals e.g. designers, craft makers, architects etc. as well as ground-breaking products. Children have the freedom to choose their own products and we follow the children’s interests as best we can.

What is the impact of our DT curriculum?

Our DT Curriculum aims to provides our pupils with creative and rich learning experiences as well as to provide opportunities to inspire curiosity. We view DT as an opportunity for pupils to be creative and imaginative. We want our children to be critical thinkers, solve problems, design purposeful projects, and know a wide range of technical knowledge. A lot of our pupils also do not experience DT outside of school! With this in mind, we have a minimal curriculum until the children gain skills in the basic techniques. The curriculum uses the children’s imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems. It draws on other subject knowledge including maths, science, computing, and art. Pupils will learn to take risks, become resourceful and innovative. Through evaluating current products, children develop an understanding of daily life and how everything can be improved. Through DT lessons, children will focus on their problem-solving skills as well as their imagination and understanding of inventors. We focus on a unit each term, so the children learn skills to combine into a finished project. Some DT lessons are discrete, and others follow our whole school topics. 

What experiences will the children receive in DT?

At Red Hall Primary School, we want the children to have a say in their learning. We focus on their interests as much as we can, as well providing purposeful and enriching opportunities. As a pupil at Red Hall, your child will have access to a wide range of experiences such as: Termly DT projects focussing on the structures, mechanisms, textiles and electrical systems (where applicable) as well as whole school DT days experiencing other techniques and real life experiences e.g. creating products that they would use.

By the end of their time at Red Hall, what will all our children have taken from DT?

Children at Red Hall will gain an understanding of basic DT techniques, know at least one DT skill they can achieve, have a sense of pride in their achievements and the presentation of their work, an understanding of a range of skills that are transferrable to other subjects and build resilience, to continuously improve and not see this as a failure.

Key Information for Parents & Carers:

Key Websites:

Click download to view our DT vision for Red Hall.