Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve


Computing at Red Hall

Computer science empowers students to create the world of tomorrow ~ Satya Nadella

What is the intent of our Computing curriculum?

At Red Hall Primary School, we believe that all pupils should achieve and reach their full potential. As a school, we not only want our children to achieve now, but for their whole lives. We aim to provide them with an exciting, engaging and authentic Computing curriculum that will do just this! Our Computing Curriculum, allows all pupils to >develop skills and knowledge that will prepare them to be responsible digital citizens, in a technology rich future. By experiencing a wide range of current technology, such as engaging physical computing devices (Beebots, Lego Wedo 2.0 kits and MicroBits); creative software such as 3D Paint and a variety of IT software, we aim to create confident, creative, curious and resilient individuals.

How do we implement our Computing curriculum?

At Red Hall, we use a scheme called The Raspberry Pi Foundation from The National Centre for Computing Education. This gives our staff an excellent base knowledge as the resources are written by specialist educators, including lesson plans, slides, activity sheets, homework and assessments. This ensures the children are given the best computing education. Our curriculum is structured as units for each year group, and built on a clear progression framework so that they can build on prior learning and delve deeper into computing programs.

What is the impact of our Computing curriculum?

Using the latest Computing software, we can provide pupils with purposeful, innovative and exciting opportunities in Computing learning, allowing pupils to make memories and experience things they may have never experienced before. Pupils will see the purpose of Computing and its endless possibilities, beyond the limited uses they are familiar with e.g. playing internet games or watching YouTube videos. 

What experiences will the children receive in Computing?

Our children will receive high quality teaching that focuses on depth, progression and challenge. They will develop computing ‘life skills’ that will aid their future learning and lives as they progress onto further eductaion. Children will receive e-safety lessons half termly to understand how to use technology safely and responsibly. As many of our children won’t have access to computers or the internet, we at Red Hall ensure they experience and participate in creative, exciting Computing projects by accessing a wide range of Computing software and devices. We enjoy and celebrate whole school events such as Safer Internet Day where the children can share their knowledge with one another.

By the end of their time at Red Hall, what will all our children have taken from Computing?

Children at Red Hall will have developed skills and knowledge across the three Computing strands (Computer Science, Digital Literacy and IT) alongside an enthusiasm for Computing. They will have participated in authentic, exciting Computing learning projects which will lead them to become confident, responsible users of the internet. In addition, they will have developed a range of cross-curricular skills such as resilience and problem-solving and a deeper understanding of the different uses of technology in our wider world.

Key Information for Parents & Carers:

Key Websites:

Click download to view our Computing vision for Red Hall