Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve


Staff Absence Management PolicyDownload
Governors Allowance PolicyDownload
Mental Health and WellbeingDownload
Accessibility PolicyDownload
Accessibility Plan 2021Download
Admissions PolicyDownload
Anti-Bullying PolicyDownload
Anti-Homophobic Name Calling PolicyDownload
Anti-Radicalisation PolicyDownload
Arrivals and Departure PolicyDownload
Assessment PolicyDownload
Attendance PolicyDownload
Behaviour BeliefDownload
Bereavement StrategyDownload
Breakfast Club PolicyDownload
British Values PolicyDownload
Calculation Guidance PolicyDownload
Charging & Remissions PolicyDownload
Collective Worship PolicyDownload
Children With Health Needs Who Can Not Attend SchoolDownload
Complaints PolicyDownload
Data Protection PolicyDownload
Drugs Education PolicyDownload
Display and Classroom Organisation PolicyDownload
Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction PolicyDownload
Early Years Learning and Development PolicyDownload
E-Safety PolicyDownload
Equality and Diversity PolicyDownload
Feedback PolicyDownload
Finance PolicyDownload
Fire, Safety & Emergency Evacuation PolicyDownload
First Aid PolicyDownload
Freedom of InformationDownload
Health and Safety PolicyDownload
Lockdown policyDownload
Looked After Children PolicyDownload
Low Level Concerns PolicyDownload
Mobile Phone PolicyDownload
No Smoking PolicyDownload
Play PolicyDownload
Privacy Notice for Pupils and ParentsDownload
SMSC and PSHE PolicyDownload
Relationships and Sex Education PolicyDownload
Religious EducationDownload
Remote Learning PolicyDownload
Safeguarding PolicyDownload
Science PolicyDownload
SEND PolicyDownload
SMSC PolicyDownload
Suspension and Exclusions PolicyDownload
Staff Anti-Harassment and Bullying PolicyDownload
Staff Capability PolicyDownload
Staff Code of ConductDownload
Staff Disciplinary Policy and ProcedureDownload
Staff Family Friendly PolicyDownload
Staff Flexible Working PolicyDownload
Staff Grievance Policy and ProcedureDownload
Staff Leave of Absence PolicyDownload
Staff Management of ChangeDownload
Staff Pay PolicyDownload
Supporting Children with Medical Needs and IllnessDownload
Young Carers PolicyDownload