Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Welcome to Red Hall Primary and Strive

  Our school motto is  ‘Believe and Achieve’.    Red Hall Primary is a school where ALL children no matter what their background or academic ability, are given the skills to ‘believe’ in themselves and to ‘achieve’ their very best.    Our Vision - CARING Governors gathered words from our whole school community to create our vision. We are proud to be described in this way; Community     Aspirational  Find out more

Year 5 & 6 Victorian Topic Event

To finish off the Y5 & 6 Victorian topic in style we would like to invite you to a special event this Friday!  it will run from 09.15 until 10.15 and will consist of a number of Victorian themed activities.  There will also be a chance for the children to show you what they have ...

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Fun with English

Free course for parents, grandparents, and carers starting Wednesday 11th January, 9.15am to 11.15am Family learning 

Yr 4 visit to Tesco – Scrumdiddlyumptious topic

As part of the Scrumdiddlyumptious topic, Yr4 will be visiting Tesco Superstore in Newton Aycliffe to learn all about produce, they will be given the opportunity to make a healthy nutritious muesli breakfast and taste all types of different fruit and vegetables. 

Yr 3 Scrumdiddlyumptious visit to Tesco

Tesco Superstore Greenwell Road, Newton Aycliffe, United Kingdom

As part of the Scrumdiddlyumptious topic, Yr3 will be visiting Tesco Superstore in Newton Aycliffe to learn all about produce, they will be given the opportunity to make a healthy nutritious muesli breakfast and taste all types of different fruit and vegetables. 

World Number Day in Support of the NSPCC

To support the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, we are taking part in World Number Day.  To show our support, children can wear non-uniform BUT THEY MUST have a number element to their outfit! There will be prizes for the most imaginative outfits for pupils AND staff! A £1 donation is required for ...

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Marie Curie

Red Hall Primary School


Nelson Mandela

Red Hall Primary School


Albert Einstein

Red Hall Primary School


Rosa Parks

Red Hall Primary School



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