‘Monday Madness’
'Monday Madness' - each class from years 1-6 will do PE and all children from years 1-6 will run a mile.
'Monday Madness' - each class from years 1-6 will do PE and all children from years 1-6 will run a mile.
Donate £1.00 and wear your jeans in School all day.
Tour of the school to see your child(ren) hard at work. We recognise that some parents may be ex pupils or if your child(ren) are in Early Years / KS1, you may never have seen the rest of the school before.
'Monday Madness' - each class from years 1-6 will do PE and all children from years 1-6 will run a mile.
Parent meeting to discuss Year 6 SATs and also to discuss the Year 6 residential. Parents will be given some important information during this meeting, therefore it would be beneficial if they could attend.
Parent meeting to discuss Year 6 SATs and also to discuss the Year 6 residential. Parents will be given some important information during this meeting, therefore it would be beneficial if they could attend.
Please come along to our coffee morning to show your support for this amazing charity, we are holding our annual coffee morning on Friday 29th September from 09.15am. We are asking for donations of homemade or shop bought cakes. All donations to be brought into the school office. Thank you for your continued support.
Discussion about Y2 SATs and intervention that will take place. A chance to talk to parents about the SATs process at KS1.
On Friday 13th October we will be holding a coffee morning at school for our Harvest Celebration from 9.15 until 10.30. We are looking forward to receiving suitable donations towards the Harvest collection. Tea and coffee (with a biscuit) will be available at a cost of £1.00. All money raised will be put towards a ...