Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Welcome to Red Hall Primary and Strive

  Our school motto is  ‘Believe and Achieve’.    Red Hall Primary is a school where ALL children no matter what their background or academic ability, are given the skills to ‘believe’ in themselves and to ‘achieve’ their very best.    Our Vision - CARING Governors gathered words from our whole school community to create our vision. We are proud to be described in this way; Community     Aspirational  Find out more

Parentzone Internet Safety Awareness with Google – KS2

The presentation covers five main themes, namely the power of using passwords, the dangers of giving away personal details, the dangers of over sharing pictures, a call to action to be kind online and an instruction to be brave and report whatever is found to be upsetting. It’s a lively, interactive assembly and works alongside ...

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Royal Wedding Invite for Pupils

Red Hall Primary School children, We request your company to attend a street party in celebration of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales in his marriage to Miss Meghan Markle On Monday 21st May at 2pm. We truly hope you can attend. In celebration of the royal wedding, we ask that you all dress ...

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Early Years Express Event – Be Creative!!

Parents of Early Years are invited to attend the exhibition at the below times.  If your child attends Nursery on a morning, please arrive at school to take part in our event at 10.15AM. If your child attends Nursery on an afternoon, please arrive at school to take part in our event at 2PM. Reception Parents ...

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Residential Meeting

Kit lists and room allocation will be given out so parents can prepare for what their children will need during half term.

KS1 Express Event (Y1 & Y2)

Express Event - Children will showcase their work from their topic sessions.  Please come along and view their work.  

Half Term

School closed - half term.

Information Sessions

Information Sessions Citizens Advice & The Tenancy Sustainment Team Advice & Guidance on Universal Credit, Benefits, Debt & Other Money Matters Tuesday 29th & Thursday 31st May Red Hall Community Centre 11am - 12.30pm

Information Sessions

Red Hall Community Centre Headingley Crescent, Darlington

Information Sessions Citizens Advice & The Tenancy Sustainment Team Advice & Guidance on Universal Credit, Benefits, Debt & Other Money Matters Tuesday 29th & Thursday 31st May Red Hall Community Centre 11am - 12.30pm

Marie Curie

Red Hall Primary School


Nelson Mandela

Red Hall Primary School


Albert Einstein

Red Hall Primary School


Rosa Parks

Red Hall Primary School



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