KS2 Movie Night
KS2 Movie Night-Starting at 3:15pm-4:30pm You can purchase a ticket costing £3.00 which will include a hot dog, popcorn,sweets and a drink on Parent
KS2 Movie Night-Starting at 3:15pm-4:30pm You can purchase a ticket costing £3.00 which will include a hot dog, popcorn,sweets and a drink on Parent
Spooky Disco Nursery, Reception, Class 1 &2 on Tuesday 1st November 2022 Starting at 3pm- 4pm Ticket cost £3:00- Children will be provided with a hot dog, sweets, popcorn and a drink
Offering the opportunity for parents and carers to book in and come and see our school at 4pm or 4:30pm Call the school office on 01325 254770 to book your place
Group 2 Swimming First Session - Wednesday 2nd November 22 Last Session - Wednesday 14th December 22
Visit to Durham Police HeadQuarters
Come into school for a chat with your child’s teacher to see how they are performing in their subjects. Book your appointment via the parentmail app or call the school office to arrange.
Lullaby Lane, Nursery, Reception visit to see -Tales from Acorn Wood at Darlington Hippodrome
Basket Ball Event at The Education Village
Reception, Class 1, 2 & 3 to see 'The Bad Guys' at Darlington Vue Cinema.
Year 5 Sports hall Athletics Event at the Dolphin Centre Competing against other schools leading to the Tees Valley Finals.