Elf day raised….
Thanks to your generosity, the school raised £140.00 for the Alzheimers charity
Thanks to your generosity, the school raised £140.00 for the Alzheimers charity
Y1 to Y6 are being treated to the Christmas Pantomime of Peter Pan at Billingham Forum.
5 week course for parents/grandparents to enjoy making Christmas Arts and Crafts.
Christmas Dinner Day – Thursday 13th December 2018 Nursery & Lullaby Lane Closed afternoon On the morning of Thursday 13th December, we would like to invite ALL our Nursery (Including Lullaby Lane) Children to attend the morning session so they can all sit together to enjoy a Christmas Dinner, freshly prepared by our catering ...
we are offering children from our two-year-old provision through to Year 6, the opportunity to stay back after school, until 6.45pm. Tea will be provided and children will watch film and complete Christmas arts and crafts. Tickets will be £4 per child, purchased from the school office. All staff are staying back out of ...
Your child may bring £2.50 into school to purchase a small gift for a loved one.
Parents/Carers are invited into school to look at their Child's wonderful work.