KS1 (Classes 1 & 2) Arty Clarty Party
Children must bring in old clothes to change into
Children must bring in old clothes to change into
Pyjamarama is a day where children and adults can wear their pyjamas on Friday the 7th of June to raise funds for the Book Trust and celebrate bedtime reading. We politely ask that a £1 donation be given for each child wearing their pyjamas. If your child does not wish to take part, they should ...
Parents of Y5 & Y6 are invited in from 2pm for some Mexican food tasting, music making and a house team quiz. Donations of £2.00 required for materials.
Children will complete their Phonic's test this week. They will complete this on a 1:1 basis
Children will be selected to take part in this fun run at Hardwick Hall Hotel. Children will leave school at 4pm and be back to school for 8.30pm
M&M productions are coming into school and the children will get to watch a performance. There is no cost to parents for this event.
The Bus People Book Bus will be selling books to the children on the Tuesday 18th June 2019. Each class will go to the bus individually to see the range of books on sale. The books for sale are up to 75% off the RRP and can be paid for by either cash or by ...