Y5 Wilderness Schooling
Event outside in school grounds, wear own clothes, wrap up well.
Event outside in school grounds, wear own clothes, wrap up well.
Design a potato book character! To celebrate World Book Day, Red Hall Primary School will be holding a potato book character competition on Thursday 5th March 2020. Please be as creative as possible and turn your potato into a book character of your choice! You may use a range of materials to help ...
Tickets can be purchased for this event from the Hippodrome box office for £7.50 each. To purchase tickets, please contact the Hippodrome direct on 01325 405405. Tickets are on sale from 10am on Friday 7th February, so please get in touch soon to avoid disappointment!
Parents are invited into school on Wednesday afternoon (from 2.30pm) to see their child’s Science books and to take part in the last PE challenge of the day – IF you would like to!
Dance performance to parents and KS1 pupils
Dance performance to parents and KS2 pupils
Good work assembly on Friday will have a Science focus.