School Re-opens to Year 1 Children & Little Leaps
Bubble groups 3, 4 and 5
Bubble groups 3, 4 and 5
Bubble groups 6 & 7
Move It Monday Challenge 1 Standing Long Jump – 5 attempts to jump as far as you can from a standing position. Challenge 2 Speed Bounce – Count the number of jumps complete in 30 seconds (each jump and landing counts as one)
Challenge Tuesday Challenge 1 Bucket-Ball – 30 seconds to get as many balls into a bucket as you can. Challenge 2 Target Battle – 1 minute to hit as many targets as you can with the ball.
Well-Being Wednesday Challenge 1 The Shuttle Run – To collect 5 balls, one at a time, from a line and balance on top of a tin can in the fastest time you can. Challenge 2 Speed Pass – To throw and catch a ball with a partner as many times as you can ...
Try-It Thursday Challenge 1 Agility Challenge – How many times can you complete the agility challenge in 1 minute? Challenge 2 Bullseye – How many points can you score in 1 minute by hitting the target ?
Feel Good Friday Challenge 1 Try any of the activities that you did not get chance to try and don’t forget to submit your results
Weekend Walk Out Get the family out in the fresh air for a walk … how many things can you notice that belong in nature? What can you see, hear, smell, touch that is natural and not man-made?