Pupil Progress Meetings for Nursery – POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE
Pupil progress meetings set up in parentmail to book time slot for Nursery, held in school in the following areas Conference Room / Comfy Sofa Area
Pupil progress meetings set up in parentmail to book time slot for Nursery, held in school in the following areas Conference Room / Comfy Sofa Area
Pupil progress meetings set up in parentmail to book time slot for classes, Y1, Y3, Y4 & Y5 held in school in the following areas Conference Room / Comfy Sofa Area / KS2 Library OR Computer Room
EYFS and KS1 (Nurseries, Reception, Classes 1&2) 3.15pm-4pm, KS2 (Classes 3,4,5&6) 4.10pm-5pm. Tickets are £1.50 each and children will receive a hot dog and drink.
We are running an Easter competition again this year, you and your child can make anything egg related. Unfortunately, due to allergies we cannot have ANY actual eggs in school. You can choose a polystyrene egg or cardboard shaped eggs for example. The decision is yours! You can be as creative as you would like. ...
We have listened to your feedback and we will do this as families this time as opposed to year groups. Timings will be as follows- First sitting - 1-1.40pm Second sitting 1.50-2.30pm Third sitting 2.35-3.15pm Each sitting will have a maximum of 65 spaces in total, so please get in quickly to ensure you get ...
KS2 SATs will take place between Monday 11th May 2020 – Thursday 14th May 2020. All Year 6 students MUST attend school.