Celebration lunch – What we missed due to Covid-19
Wednesday 14th July - Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th July - Valentine's Day and Easter Friday 16th July - Celebration / Birthday Lunch - Picnic for everyone
Wednesday 14th July - Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th July - Valentine's Day and Easter Friday 16th July - Celebration / Birthday Lunch - Picnic for everyone
£2.50 per ticket 2Y0, Nursery, Reception, Y1 & Y2 at 3.15 TO 4PM. Y3, 4, 5 & 6 at 4.15 to 5.15PM
Parents invited in to see their children’s work. This is the first time we have been able to do this in nearly 2 years. We are trying to explore different ways of holding this event, we believe the easiest way, is to do this based on 3 possible sessions, where you are given a 20 ...