Nasal Flu Vaccine for Reception to Y6
Parents and carers must provide consent online for the nursing team to administer
Parents and carers must provide consent online for the nursing team to administer
more details to follow....
Some children will be invited to stay back at school for a ‘movie night’. This night will celebrate the children who are always trying their best to make right choices. Children will receive a snack for their tea.
We are inviting some children to spend time with the residents of Festing Court, who are coming to us for a Christmas Dinner on this day. The choir will perform for the residents and children will simply chat to the residents.
Children are to bring pjs and we will watch a Christmas film, have a buffet tea and feel Christmassy! A perfect opportunity for parents to relax – child free – before the Christmas rush begins! Activity is 3 – 5.30pm. All children will need to be collected from school, due to the dark nights.
Children in Year 3 / 4 will be invited to a Sports Event at a local Secondary School. Exact date to be confirmed
Christmas Dinner Day for all staff, children and the Governing Body