Christmas dinner day
Christmas Dinner Day for all staff, children and the Governing Body
Christmas Dinner Day for all staff, children and the Governing Body
Arrangements to be confirmed, as for the first year, this year, all children and staff will not fit in the Church at once! This just shows how our little school is growing!
Children are encouraged to wear a Christmas Jumper today and bring in £1 for charity
Morning 2YO Nursery, 3 year old Nursery and Reception class at 10.15am to 11.15am Afternoon 2YO Nursery, 3 year old Nursery and Reception class at – 1.45pm to 2.45pm
Each year group will have a stall. Parents are invited to come and see the stalls and purchase goods! Our theme for Autumn 2 is Aspirations, therefore the children who make the most money from their stall, we receive a special end of term treat!
Due to working parents and their commitments, we are going to be holding both productions on the same day, which will hopefully reduce the amount of time off work, which is needed. Productions will be held in the afternoon - timings will be confirmed closer to the time. Timings now confirmed - KS1 (Classes ...
Children will be back at school for 5pm. There is NO COST for this. School are paying for this for all pupils