1 and 2 are starting their new topic all about ‘Memories’. Over the half-term we are going to design and decorate a memory box and fill it with special memories to look back on.
You are invited into School next week on Thursday 12th September 2019 between 1:30pm – 2:30pm. This will be a chance to write a special memory or make something to go in your child’s box.
Can we ask you bring something to start your child’s special memory box off with. This could be a photo, a stone from a beach trip etc. basically anything that holds a memory. We are also collecting cardboard boxes such as shoe boxes, cereal or food boxes for example to use as the memory boxes, if you have any spare boxes you could donate we’d really appreciate them!
We hope this will be a fun topic the children enjoy and we would love to see you all there.
Miss Newhouse & Miss Stiles
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