Parents invited in to see their children’s work. This is the first time we have been able to do this in nearly 2 years.
We are trying to explore different ways of holding this event, we believe the easiest way, is to do this based on 3 possible sessions, where you are given a 20 mins, to see
your child’s work. Children will bring their books to the gym / hall for you to see.
Sessions are as follows:
2.40pm – 3pm
3.05pm – 3.25pm
3.25pm – 3.45pm
Places will be on ParentMail to book. There is a maximum of 50 places per slot, these will be on a first come, first served basis. **PLEASE NOTE only one parent / carer can
come per family, this is due to numbers and safety for ALL children, staff and parents.
Please respect us with this. There is another opportunity to come and see your children’s books on 14.12.21.
Cakes and biscuits will be on sale for you to purchase, as you enter / leave the building
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