Our motto is Believe and Achieve.... We are CARING.....
Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is part of our Home-School Partnership Agreement. Home School Agreement

Children are asked to make an effort with five things and following the school’s Code of Conduct is the first. It is displayed around the school and is simplified to the main headings for younger children.

Take care of yourself


  • do anything silly or dangerous
  • Stay in school at break times or leave school without permission
  • Talk to strangers in school unless they have a school badge


  • Tell someone if you are unhappy or being picked on

Take care of others


  • Do anything to hurt others (such as hitting/name calling)
  • Distract others from working
  • Be cheeky or rude to adults


  • Be friendly to visitors, newcomers and other children

Take care of your school


  • Steal or deliberately damage school equipment
  • Drop litter or face the school building
  • Give the school a bad name


  • Be proud of your school