Red Hall Primary

Red Hall

Primary School

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Believe and Achieve

Medication in School

The school is only allowed to administer drugs prescribed by your GP, and only if the prescribed dose must be administered during the school day i.e. before/after meals or four times per day.  Medicine that is prescribed at 3 times per day can be taken before and after school and at bedtime and need not be brought into school.  A medication form can be obtained at the school office and must be signed by a parent/guardian LPfor each individual medicine.

Children who are asthmatic can arrange for an inhaler to be stored at school permanently, but please ensure that it does not run out of date. Similarly, children with other long-term disorders such as diabetes, epilepsy etc. can be assisted in school and we will do our best to co-operate with you for the benefit of your child.

Any child that has a long term medical condition will be given a care plan, which must be completed with the parent or carer.

Children are not allowed to bring unprescribed medication into school under any circumstances, this includes throat sweets, nasal inhalers and lip balms.


*Please note, we will not be held responsible for any medication found on a pupil that has not been declared to the school*