Year Group | Autumn | Christmas Unit:
What is the meaning of Christmas? |
Spring | Easter Unit:
What is the meaning of Easter? |
Summer |
Year 1
What can we learn about Christianity from visiting a church?
Expressions of Belief, Authority
What does it mean to belong in Christianity? Belief, Impact of Belief, Expressions of Belief |
Why are gifts given at Christmas?
Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief |
Why is Jesus special for Christians? Belief, Authority
What is the Easter story?
Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief |
What do Hindus believe about God?
How do Hindus show belonging? Authority, Expression of Belief, Impact of Belief |
Year 2 | How do Hindus worship? Expressions of Belief, Belief
How and why is Divali special for Hindus? Authority, Expressions of Belief, Belief |
How and why is light important at Christmas?
Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief
Why is the Bible special to Christians? Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief | How do Christians celebrate Easter?
Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief |
What can we learn from the story of St Cuthbert?
Impact of Faith
How do Jewish people celebrate Shabbat? (supplementary religion)
Year 3 | What do Sikhs believe?
Belief, Authority
Why is the Gurdwara important to Sikhs? Authority, Expressions of belief |
How and why is Advent important to Christians?
Belief, Worship, Teaching/Authority |
What do Christians believe about Jesus?
Belief, Authority, Impact of belief
What do Christians remember on Palm Sunday? | How do Sikhs express their beliefs?
Belief, Expressions of Belief, Impact of belief
What can we find out about one local faith community in Darlington? All concepts |
Year Group | Autumn | Christmas Unit | Spring | Easter Unit | Summer |
Year 4
How and why do religious people show care for others? (more than one religion, can include non-religious traditions)
Belief, Authority, Impact of Belief |
Why do Christians call Jesus the Light of the World?
What do we know about the Bible and why is it important to Christians?
Authority, Impact of Belief |
Why is Lent such an important period for Christians?
What can we learn about Christian symbols and beliefs by visiting churches?
Expressions of Belief, Belief, Authority
Year 5 | What is the Qur’an and why is it important to Muslims?
Belief, Authority
What can we learn from visiting mosque? Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief |
What are the themes of Christmas? | What do Christians believe about God?
Belief, Expressions of Belief, Impact of Belief
Why is the Last Supper so important to Christians?
What can we learn about Christian faith through studying the lives of northern saints?
Impact of Belief
What can we find out about religious communities in our local area? (more than one religion) Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief, Impact of Belief |
Year 6 | What can we find out about the 5 pillars? Belief, Expressions of Belief
How do Muslims express their beliefs? Belief, Expressions of Belief, Impact of Belief |
What do the gospel stories tell us about the birth of Jesus?
Why should people with a religious faith care about the environment?
Belief, Impact of Belief |
Why are Good Friday and Easter Day the most important day for Christians? | (Statutory Bridging Unit)
So, what do we know about Christianity? ( exploration through the concepts) Belief, Authority, Expressions of Belief, Impact of Belief